VMX-PFE Series
VMX-PFE시리즈는 30년 이상의 경험을 바탕으로 축척된 모터트로닉스의 기술력을 바탕으로 개발된 혁신적인 제품입니다.
1.1~15kW 소형 모터에 적용하기 위하여 제작되었으며 수동 설정으로 매우 경제적인 제품입니다. 간단한 구조로 설치 및 설정이 간단하며 간단한 운전을 필요로 하는 부하에 적합하게 설계되었습니다.

VMX-PFE Series
The VMX-PFE is an innovative development from Motortronics, who have 30 years of experience producing innovative designs in the soft start market
With ratings from 1.1kW to 15kW, the VMX-PFE is ideally placed to support any AC induction motors in use today. This makes the VMX-PFE the natural choice for distributors and customers alike. Benefiting from Motortronics's excellence in engineering, the VMX-PFE combines the quality and reliability you have come to expect. This is one product that ticks all the boxes.

Internally Bypassed
Reduces cost because the Soft Starter is out of circuit once it has done its job. This reduces cabinet size and the heat produced which again reduces cost.
Over Current Protected
Protects the Soft Starter against use above its duty rating.
45mm Wide (Size 1)
Same width as typical existing control gear for easy connectability and enables a more compact cabinet to be used.
DIN Rail Mounted
For easy installation . it just clips on.